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How To Make Your Shower More Eco-friendly

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Your shower is generally going to be one of the places in your house that can cause the most environmental damage between water expenditure and other toxic materials. Here are a few ways to make everything about your shower more eco-friendly.

Eco-friendly Shower Doors

Some glass doors are pre-treated with a hydrophobic material that causes beads of water to just fall right off the glass. This helps cut down on how many dangerous chemicals you'll be tempted to buy, such as bleach, in order to get rid of mold growing on the glass. After all, wherever there's water, mold can grow.

This is especially important considering how dangerous it is to flush dangerous chemicals down the drain and into the water table. If there's no water, there's no need to waste any resources on it.

If you go with frameless doors, this will also tend to be more efficient than the ones that have frames. This is because tempered glass is both more durable and easier to recycle than other common materials.

Using glass doors instead of regular shower curtains also has the advantage of eliminating potentially toxic carcinogens often found in PVC plastics. Eventually, these plastics will often break down, and then the carcinogens will flush down your drain and into the local environment. For more information, contact a business such as Victorville Glass Co Inc.

Smart Shower Heads

The EPA estimates that Americans use 1 trillion gallons of water per year on showers. Obviously, this is becoming something of a problem now that parts of the United States, including areas in California, are experiencing some of the most severe droughts in history.

One approach to helping with this issue is to use smart shower heads that can keep track of how much water you're using at a time. These shower heads come in a variety of different types, including ones that can create closed loops where water can be conserved by 90% simply by filtering used water and then pumping it back into your shower head again. This technology was first developed for a space shuttle.

Other approaches include adding little bubbles of air inside water droplets to reduce how much you need to get clean, and systems that make taking a shower into a game. Shower heads like this keep track of how much water you use over time so you can compete with yourself while at the same time giving you the tech to make it easier.

Some of these heads can inform you via your smartphone of the exact moment that the water is at the temperature that you want so you don't waste any water waiting when it's already hot enough. These systems can also change how much water comes out based on how close you are to the head. 
