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How To Prevent Condensation Problems On Dual Pane Windows

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Dual-pane windows are becoming the norm in more homes, because of their superior insulating value. These windows consist of a double pane of glass with a layer of dead air between them, which provides the insulating buffer. The windows are manufactured so that there is no moisture between them, so there should never be fog or condensation trapped between the panes. If there is, the seal has broken and moisture has made its way in, which ruins the insulation value of the window. You can help prevent this from occurring with the following tips.

Keep It Gentle

One of the biggest causes of seal failure is damage to the window. This can occur during manufacturing, transport, or installation, but it also happens in the home sometimes. The easiest way to avoid damage is to treat your windows gently.

Don't slam them down or force them open. If your window is sticking, take the time to clean the tracks and find where it is binding. Frequent forcing can put stress on the frame, causing the seal between the panes to give out.

Check the Weatherstripping

The main purpose of the weatherstripping around your window is to keep out cold drafts in winter and keep cool air inside in summer. It also serves as a buffer and a shock absorber between your dual pane windows and the main window frame.

Inspect the weatherstripping annually and replace it if it becomes cracked, torn, damaged, or overly compressed. Not only will this help your energy bills, it will also provide some protection to the dual pane glass if the windows are closed a bit too forcefully.

Clean Carefully

Cleaning a double pane window is similar to cleaning any type of glass. Stick to non-abrasive cloths and a glass cleaner. Avoid any abrasive cleaners or those that may contain acids, like homemade vinegar concoctions. Naturally, abrasive cleaners are damaging to glass. Generally, vinegar is a good glass cleaner, but it can eat into caulking and sealers, opening up small holes between the dual panes. It only takes a single pinprick to allow moisture into the space between the panes, so it's best to proceed with caution and only use cleaners formulated for glass.

There are services that purport to remove the fog and condensation from between the glass panes. Unfortunately, they cannot return the insulating properties to the windows, and often the condensation returns. Once the seal fails, the panes require replacement. Taking steps to prevent failure will help protect your investment.

Contact a company like Healy Anytime Glass Co to learn more about dual
