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Secure Your Property: 3 Variable to Help Decide Between Repairing & Replacing Glass

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A crack in a pane of glass in your home tends to be one of the minor sorts of repairs that many people avoid fixing. Uncertainty over whether a piece of glass can be repaired or must be replaced can lead many people to simply deal with leaking air and an unattractive appearance. Thankfully, there are some simple variables you can apply to make that decision much easier.

Below, you'll find a guide to some factors which help determine whether or not a pane of glass can be repaired. Keeping these factors in mind will allow you to make an informed decision and move forward with your selected fix, guaranteeing your home can remain secure for years to come.


Modern glass repair technology involves injecting a polymer that dries transparent into the damaged part of your glass. As such, it may not be as structurally sound as the rest of the pane, and relies on the strength of the glass around the damage in order for support.

The location of the damage in the pane, then, plays a role in determining whether it can be patched. Centrally located cracks will be stabilized by the surrounding, undamaged glass, whereas cracks that occur near the edges of a pane often necessitate a replacement because they won't be able to support the rest of the glass.


Unfortunately, the most common type of glass damage penetrates all the way through a given sheet. This often requires a replacement, as there's a lack of a firm anchor point for the polymer fill to bond to, making any potential repairs relatively unstable.

If you're lucky enough to be dealing with a shallow crack, however, you may have the opportunity to apply a patch. If there's existing, stable glass surrounding the damaged area, the patch can bond to the remaining glass and form a permanent seal that will be as good as new.


If your window has circular damage caused by a wayward rock or even the beak of a bird, it may be difficult to apply a repair. This damage tends to be large in diameter and radiates outward, making it very difficult to stabilize. Long and narrow cracks, however, do less damage to the structural integrity of a piece of glass. Long cracks can often be easily injected with a patch, allowing them to return to their previous strength without worrying about future breaks.

Learn more about your options by contacting companies like Griggs & Son Glass & Mirror. 
